"Childhood lasts all through life" - Gaston Bachelard
Being a child we dream about maturity... after we become mature, we dream about our childhood.
Is there any solution? For sure! Just let that "child in you" live forever!
That "child in me" is a caracter that is full of energy. He is and benevolent, sincere and always smiling. He needs no reason to be happy. He lives in a world of magic, miracles and mistery.
Although he is aware that magic exists only in his imagination - he is the happiest child, who's dreams are full of colors.
"Childhood is a special world - for us it's a strange, fantastic, unreal world, but for those who are part of it - it's a real one and full of harmony”. – Eugen Herovanu
Who says dreaming is forbidden?
- Only an adult would say so. Childhood ends when things cease to be amazing, when it becomes much harder to stay happy for any reason and you become miserable.
Fairly often we meet people who look unhappy...
Have you ever wondered what makes you happy?
I do not know what an adult would answer ... but a child would have so many answers. Maybe some of them would sound naive and silly, but those would be really honest ones!
I was inpired to make this illustration while having fun with my family. That was really warm and beautiful time. You can see a short video of our adventures below. :)